Could These be the Reasons why Business Owners Today are Ditching Traditional e-commerce Solutions are Going for Shopify?


You are presented with lots of options when you want to create some online presence for your business. You can start by selling directly on websites such as Amazon and eBay, you can decide to set up a traditional e-commerce site from scratch, and you can also decide to sell affiliate goods. Dropping shipping services are also another option at your disposal, and for most people today, an all-in-one e-commerce solution known as Shopify seems to be the solution to all online businesses today.

Shopify has gained in huge popularity today more than ever before owing to its simplicity in being a one-stop-shop for all storefront solutions that modern day businesses require. The first step starts with you identifying the right product or this service that you want to offer. Continue reading to discover more info. on Shopify to justify its huge popularity, click here.

First and foremost, Shopify is a fully compliant e-commerce website with all the standard features that will help you come up with a professional e-commerce site. As such, it means you will save a lot of time, money, and effort having to come up with a professional and proficient e-commerce site. It is quite user-friendly which means its easily customizable and anyone can do the changes of style and color. Further, you don’t have to have a degree in computer science to know how to add or remove this product or service that you want to feature in your storefront.

Shopify guarantees you unrivaled speeds and security as a reliable web host when it comes to managing your online store. We all know the many dangers that come with unreliable web hosting companies especially when managing an e-commerce website. You don’t want to have lots of targeted traffic only to have the bounce rate increase because of low bandwidth, now do you? Shopify has a track record of success when it comes to reliability and fast loading speeds. Then there is the reliable, safe, and secure payment processing system in place and you will understand why more and more business owners are turning to Shopify and shunning all the traditional options of setting up an online business.

Shopify provides you with unrivaled customer support should you have problems setting up your online store for whatever reasons. Shopify has various online support avenues, top among them live chat, email and phone support that gives you access to technical and customer support teams any time of day or night. There is also the aspect of having access to an already search-engine optimized e-commerce platform. As such, while you may do a few tweaks here and there of your products and services. Most definitely you will benefit a great deal from the high SERPs rankings that Shopify has already, view here for more details.